I have a washer that the drain pump will only come on for 3 seconds then shut off. Hoses are good and no obstructions. Everything else works normal except drain issue. Steve
We have replaced main board on top left of machine. Took a shot at display board and pump. Still same issue.
- Guest asked 9 years ago
This sound like an uncommon issue. Have you seen any error codes in the display during failure? Also can you locate tech sheet to give you directions on how to put unit into diagnostics mode? Also please provide part numbers of parts that you have replaced.
- Sam, Ace Appliance answered 9 years ago
No error codes and nothing coming up on diagnostics. Main board(ebr38163349), Display board(ebr36870706), Pump(4681ea1007g).
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Hello, have you checked the power at the pump to see if the power shuts off early? does it have any error codes the come up? i would suspect the pump first then possibly the pressure switch. You will need to check the power first tho.
- Guest answered 9 years ago
Knowledge question, how would the pressure switch interact with the drain pump?
The pressure switch reads the water level in the tub. This is how it knows when to stop draining.
Makes perfect sense now, thank you.
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