I did not hear any clicking from the igniter I suspect that may be electronic spark module however the bake igniter works perfectly
- Guest asked 9 years ago
If you have 115 volts to the igniter, then I recommend to replace the igniter.
- AV Repair Help answered 9 years ago
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I have provided a technician sheet & parts breakdown in the links below. I would check and see if you have power to the igniter. The easiest way to do this is by turning on the over and checking for line voltage with the Non-Contact Voltage Tester Pen. See link https://www.amazon.com/Apipema-Non-Contact-12-1000V-Torchlight-Pre-Installed/dp/B019RTM0R0/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1473178643&sr=8-2-spons&keywords=voltage+tester&psc=1
Matt Ace technician
- AV Repair Help answered 9 years ago
yes I am getting power.
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