Samsung electric dryer runs but does not heat

Model Number
not sure
What have you tried so far?

nothing yet



Without the model # my answer will be vague because I am not sure what components are in your unit.
The first thing I would check is to use your multimeter and verify that you have proper voltage supplied to the dryer. You could have lost one side of your 220 VAC and the dryer would still tumble. If that checks out, I would turn the dryer on and go outside to the vent hood and verify that there is adequate airflow outside the home.
If all that checks out okay, I would disassemble the unit and check continuity on all the heating components. If the element, and fuse or thermostat are open they would all cause no heat. On a slim chance there could be a issue with the motor or electronic control.
If you need further assistance or can provide further information just ask and I will do my best to assist.

    • Guest
    • 10 years ago
    Samsung electric dryer model dv400ewhdwr-aa that's model number
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