We have gone four times to repair this microwave. The customer complains that the microwave does not heat. Initially we replaced the magnetron and it was working. On the second visit we replaced the thermal fuse. On the third visit it was heating but a reset was done aswell as reconected wires to thermal fuse and unit was heating. On the fourth visit the unit was heating but a reset was done again. Now the customer calls is complaing that it is not defrosting and heating, any suggestions?
Replaced magnetron, thermal fuse, reset unit and reconnected wires to thermal fuse.
- mytechjoe asked 9 years ago
Hello, can you confirm that all parts you changed were bad? if they were i would think you have a shorted wire somewhere. but if you are not sure if they were actually bad next step would be to check the door switches, i am not sure why but ge microwave door switches go bad pretty often. I have attached a basic repair manual microwave section starts on page 55
- Guest answered 9 years ago
No, I can’t confirm that all parts were bad. I will check for a shorted wire and the door switches. Thanx. Is there a way to check if the magnetron is bad and why do you have to change the diode when changing the magnetron?
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Hi. We always replace the diode when we replace a magnetron. So I would definitely install a new diode. Check to see how many amps the unit is drawing during a cook cycle. If it’s over 3 amps then your issue is on the high-voltage side which includes your magnetron,diode, transformer, capacitor. If your drawing less than 3 amps then your issue is on the low voltage side which includes your control board, door switches, and fuses.
- Brian, Ace Appliance answered 9 years ago
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