The unit has a display and was giving a bunch of error codes 4E, 5E, 25E, 40E all related to the freezer which was not defrosting. I reset the unit and tested all sensors and defrost bimetal. Everything tested for so I decided to replace the defrost thermostat. When I came back the next day it had defrosted and was running for… Maybe me messing with it triggered a defrost so I replaced the thermostat anyways and left. My question is I followed the self diagnostic instructions and the unit just wouldn’t go into diagnostic even tho it says to 1) hold the top left and right corner until a message appears 2) …
I need the full diagnostic manual and any other tips. Issue has not returned it’s been a week.
- Guest asked 7 years ago
Go to page 3# in the link below for the diagnostic mode. I would unplug the unit for 5- minutes and reset the main PCB board. Then go to page #3 and run the unit through self diagnostics mode. All of the stored errors will be on the technician sheet link below. Make sure your evaporator has an even frost pattern across the coil when running. This model is famous for sealed system leaks. Matt Ace technician
- AV Repair Help answered 7 years ago
Evaporator was way over frosted everywhere. Defrost issue clearly but sensors and everything tested ok. Came back next day with freezer bimetal and it already defrosted and was cooling normally. Glitch in the board or something and me tampering with it triggered it to work..?
Yes, possible board issue. I would monitor for several days. Also make sure the doors are closing properly. Sometimes food boxes or other items can cause doors to become ajar and cause issues like this.
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