I’m not sure how to approach this one. But here goes. My customer calls me up complaining about her top oven. She tells me on the phone that she sets the oven at 350′. And when it reaches the temp. The temp numbers go out, and the oven lock comes on
So I go to her house. Turn the oven on 250′. It preheats in minutes and the control board is fine. ??? So, I increase the oven temp to 350′. A few minutes pass and the temp reaches the setting and everything is fine. I never had an issue with it. It worked for me.
So, I go home to look up the model # to see what I can find out. And there is no model # showing up. Only one site showed a number CLOSE to hers, but the “O” is missing. I found ZET2PL1SS, not ZET2POL1SS.
1st question, is why doesn’t the actual model # show up?
2nd question, is what is going on with her top oven?
I tested the top oven, and it worked just fine. She tells me that the board goes out and the oven locks up.
Signed confused and buying a winning lottery ticket. I’ve had it!!!
- Guest asked 9 years ago
Hi. It is very common for Ge model numbers to have a “0” in the middle of the that you have to take out when you look them up. The model number you had found ( ZET2PL1SS) is the correct one. I had one acting similar to this not too long ago. It ended up being a bad control board. After the customer would have the oven on for so long it would just shut down, display would go blank. After a while it would come back on and work again. Yours could have the same thing going on. I would make sure the cooling fans are working so that the controls are not getting too hot and shutting down because the fan is not circulating air to cool them down. Make sure your temperature probe tests out good. Your unit has a few different control boards on it unlike mine. It is hard to say with out catching it in the act and having multiple boards it could be. I have attached the service manual on this unit for you.
- Brian, Ace Appliance answered 9 years ago
As always Brian Thank you. You are a big help. But I’m still going to buy a lottery ticket. ?
Your welcome. Good luck with your lottery ticket!
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