I have a Kenmore front loading washer, about 8 yrs old, that has had what sounds like occasional bearing noise lately during the spin cycle. Today during the final high speed spin there was a bang and the drum slowed right down. I think it broke something… could this be related to the bearings? When I turned the machine off the drum didn’t seem to have a problem rotating back & forth very slowly for a while like it usually does at the end of a spin. If it is the drum bearings is it an expensive repair? — if it is I’m wondering if I’d be better off getting a new washer.
- Harley Clark asked 6 years ago
- last edited 6 years ago
OK so that’s a problem. It should have no resistance at all. So this is really a major issue and means that your bearing has went out. The entire rear outer tub as well as the inner basket would need to be replaced because the inner basket has the shaft attached to it that goes through the bearing and the shaft gets damaged when the bearing goes out. Often times when this issue occurs people choose to replace the unit as it can be an expensive repair.
- AV Repair Help answered 6 years ago
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