
I have a model Amana refrigerator and the refrigerator section went warm. We do not usually service the Whirlpool product lines usually sticking with Samsung, LG and GE as we are authorized for them and have access to their literature, etc.
Can anyone assist with some service information and any tips for this model? I understand looking at an exploded view that the unit is a single evaporator model with a damper control. Is there anything common that could cause the damper to malfunction or do you think I am even looking in the right area?

Model Number
Best Answer

Does the refrigerator have frost on the freezer wall? Could be a defrost issue. The defrost control board was at one time very common. If you put it into test forced defrost and the unit defrosted or drew about 1.5-3.0 amps it proved three things
the heater is good , the bimetal was closed and since they worked during test it is most likely you need a new control.

Part # 67004704
The ADC adapts the compressor run time between defrosts to achieve optimum defrost intervals by monitoring the cold control and length the defrost heater is on.
After initial power up, defrost interval is 4 hours compressor run time. Defrost occurs immediately after the 4 hours.
Optimum defrost is 15 minutes. Each additional minute the defrost thermostat remains closed, 1 hr. is subtracted from the previous defrost interval. Each minute the thermostat opens prior to optimum defrost, it extends the next defrost interval 1 hr. When in defrost if defrost terminator opens there is a 6 minute drip time before compressor restarts or ADC will terminate defrost at 30 minutes even if defrost thermostat has not opened and will reset the defrost interval to the 8 hr. minimum setting.
4 hours of continuous compressor run resets the next defrost interval to 8 hours and will initiate a defrost, if 8 hours of compressor run time has also occurred.
Power up: Refrigeration mode will occur unless both the cold control and defrost terminator are open, in that case the defrost mode will occur for 2 minutes.
To Force Defrost: Turn cold control on and off 3 times within 6 seconds.
A forced defrost is immediate without any delay regardless of the cold control state or the defrost terminator state. (When the ADC cycles the unit into defrost on its own, defrost is delayed until 4 minutes after the compressor has been cycled off by the cold control.)
Note: Cold control contacts must make and break for defrost to occur. In some cases, freezer door must be left open to warm up the cold control sensing capillary to get the cold control contact to make and break. If cold control contacts do not make and break unit will not force a defrost.
To Terminate Defrost: The only way to manually terminate defrost is to disconnect power to the unit. Unit will automatically come out of defrost at the end of the normal defrost cycle.
Input Voltage Readings and Checks
L1 to L2………………………………………..Line voltage should be present when the unit is powered.
CC to L2………………………………………..Line voltage should be present when the cold control contacts are closed and ADC is not in defrost.
STAT to L2………………………………… Line voltage should be present when the ADC is in defrost mode and the defrost terminator contacts are closed
Output Voltage Readings and Checks
HTR to L2……………………………………..Line voltage should be present when the ADC is in defrost mode.
COMP to L2……………………………….. Line voltage should be present when the ADC is not in the defrost mode.

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