I ordered the part 819160 .It is oem.The installation instructions list four procedures .Does this unit have start and run capacitors? It has a battery sized one and a part that is wired to it with a blue wire and red wire.The part has a copper winding on it.This part plugs into the compressor,is it the run cap?The big cap has two red and one blue wires connected to it.Can send pictures.How do I wire this?
- Guest asked 9 years ago
- last edited 9 years ago
A relay is not the same as a capacitor. I am attaching a video of a 3 in 1 start kit that is easy to install and inexpensive. The part number is URC0410 and should be readily available. It will work on your compressor and may be a better solution for you.
- Sam, Ace Appliance answered 9 years ago
- last edited 9 years ago
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What is on there now? You must be able to understand and utilize the detailed instruction sheet in order to complete this repair and there is no shortcut to the outlined procedure. It should be clear what to do if you look carefully. Any instructions we give you would be based on that information .Please refer to the instruction sheet, and as i stated this is an application that may need a skilled repair person if you can not understand the instruction sheet directions.
- Sam, Ace Appliance answered 9 years ago
Having used automotive wiring diagrams for 35 years I am able to understand then instructions. The instructions have 4 procedures.1Compressor with no cap ,2compressor with start cap,3compressor with run cap,4 compressor with run and start cap.In all the procedures diagrams the drawing of the capacitors are the same whether run or start,except procedure 4 were the start cap is round and the run cap looks like the other examples.My frig has the round cap and another part with a blue and red wire running to the round cap that looks nothing like the part in the instructions I found the parts diagram for the compressor and they call that other part a start relay. Is a start relay the same as a cap? thanks
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We do not have any videos or pictures in our files on this. It is typically a job for a skilled repair person. The instruction sheet with the part is the most detailed information available and should guide you through the replacement process . You must be able to utilize the instruction sheet for proper application as it is the only source available on this specific application.
- Sam, Ace Appliance answered 9 years ago
So with the md# you cant tell me if has a start and run capacitor?
I can send you pics of the old components
I too did this job and believe me you I did it exactly like the instructions read and i hooked it up and nothing so i touched the compressor to feel foe vibration and darn i got a good jolt so i disconnected the unit and i checked the compressor to see if it was checking out good and of course i should have done to start off first but THE BIG DUMMY DID NOT andf i paid the price, the compressor showed to be grounded. I still have the relay for a next time.Thought i would pass this info on thanks, and like Sam says you have to read the instructions and if not sure leave it along or pay the price LOL
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