Washer over filling onrinse sometmes

Model Number
What have you tried so far?

When I was there worked fine


Hi. The pressure switch is going to control the water level on this unit. Check to see if there are any blockages or holes in the pressure tube. If not you may have a faulty pressure switch. Its hard to say with not being there to see if fail. The pressure switch is P# DC96-01703C. Attached is a video on the repair.

    • Guest
    • 9 years ago
    Thanks for the fast reply I won’t be back there until the weekend. Where can I get a service manual for this washer ? I’d like to read up on it. How do you put it in service mode? Thanks!
  • Sorry, I am not able to find a tech sheet anywhere for this unit. Check the back of the unit when you go back out. It should be in a bag taped to the back of the unit.
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