
A few weeks ago I changed the drain tube on my freezer to keep the sheet of ice from forming in the bottom of my freezer. Your video was REALLY helpful. However, i still have a sheet of ice forming. I was told I may have to defrost my freezer to completely fix the problem. The problem is, we have to use our refrigerator. Is there a way to unplug the freezer so it can thaw out without having to take everything out of our refrigerator? I took the back bottom panel off and saw two different things plugged in, but wasn’t sure if one of those plugs controlled the cooling unit to the freezer itself. Can you help me?

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Jamie, Click at the video link below. This will show you how to defrost the ice build up without leaving the unit off for more than one hour. You should only need to get to the freezer and can leave the food in the refrigerator. Let us know if this helps or if you have any additional questions. Thanks Matt Ace Technician

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