My WF448AAW/XAA clothes washer first showed a problem when trying to start a wash cycle. The washer display would indicate the selected cycle and wash time but would not add water. After turning off/on a couple times The cycle added water but would stop at the first drain cycle and give an error indicating it wasn’t draining. I unplugged for approx 1 minute the tried again. Did that twice but got same result. Because of the erratic response My gut was telling the PCB was not working properly. I downloaded a service manual to troubleshoot and it pointed to the drain pump.
I found your site and a great video on replacing the drain pump so I ordered and replaced the pump. Still not working. The first attempt after replacing pump showed a drain error again. Please advise on “hidden codes” or other direction to effectively troubleshoot and correct this problem. I don’t want to got to the expense of replacing the PCB if it’s just a sensor issue.
I have an industrial instrumentation background so have experience with advanced troubleshooting.

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What have you tried so far?

Replaced the drain pump.

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More that likely you have a bad control board. The relay for the drain pump goes bad on these boards . seen it many times. Not sure if your control board will be available. could have it rebuilt if not. I have attached the service manual for you. you can run a test mode to turn on the drain test and it should be draining. if your not getting the correct power to the drain pump the control or wiring between is bad. Or you can check for voltage right out of the control to eliminate wiring.

    • Guest
    • 5 years ago
    Thank you for the prompt reply. That helps me narrow it down. I don’t see the service manual in your post. Where can I access the service manual attachment? I’d like to do the test before ordering or sending my board in for repair.
  • Hello Click on the red link that says ( Service Manual ) .
    • Guest
    • 5 years ago
    I found it. And I did the test for the drain pump. I can hear the relay clicking but it doesn’t run. So thinking it’s a bad relay. I unplugged and replugged all the connectors to make sure there wasn’t a bad connection and checked wiring in and around the PCB. No obvious issues for either. Do you have a lead for getting a new board? Or getting mine repaired? Thank again for the prompt reply.
  • Definitely sounds like a bad board. Voltage test would 100% confirm it. Get the part number off the board or look it up by exact model number. Might be able to find it somewhere out there. Just a quick Google search would be best. Core centric is a great board rebuild company.
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