0 votes

Hello, I have a Speed Queen washing and drying unit that I want to maintain and I would like you to send me the maintenance and repair manuals for the washing machine Model: AFN50FSP111TW01 Serial: 1201004722

I also want to tell you that in the previous question, I was wrong, the model and serial number of the dryer, the correct one is the one that comes in the text box, I hope you can help me with this, I already have the newer dryer and it is one with which I also count, since you gave me an answer in previous dates.

  • Guest asked 2 years ago
  • last active 2 years ago
0 votes

Hello, I have a speed queen dryer model ADGE9BGS113TW01, serial number 1612045509, with the problem that it does not heat up.

It doesn’t show any code on the front panel.

I already checked the thermostat, it gave me 4400 amps, so I changed it for a new one and it still doesn’t heat up.

You can help me to know what else you can have.

  • Guest asked 2 years ago
  • last active 2 years ago
0 votes

Hello, I have a Speed Queen AFNE9BSP113TW01 washing machine, which is presenting me with the P5 error code, this appears after having changed the Mixing Valve. Could you tell me if this is connected and what do you recommend I do?

I followed the instructions in the Video on your page for the Speed Queen AFNE9BSP116TW13 washing machine, because I did not find the specific video for my washing machine.

  • Guest asked 2 years ago
  • last active 2 years ago
0 votes

I have ohmd out the unbalanced switch which tested good. I can hear the lid switch when the washer tries to go in to spin mode. About 15 seconds later it displays the Er UB error. The machine is level with no broken springs. Wires to the swich look fine.

  • Guest asked 2 years ago
  • last active 2 years ago
0 votes

Our top load speed queen washer will spin like a champ, but doesn’t agitate. Based on the little bit of testing I have done I can get it to agitate when I manually pull the belt the opposite direction that the motor spins while in the spin cycle. How do I test to see if the motor is the problem or if the timer is not sending the voltage to tell the motor to spin the the correct direction to agitate? I’m guessing that the timer sends voltage during the spin cycle to spin in one direction and then during the agitation cycle to have the motor spin in the opposite direction. Or is there a secondary switch that tells the motor to go the opposite direction? Thanks for the help.

  • Guest asked 4 years ago
  • last active 4 years ago
0 votes

Our Top Load Speed Queen leaves cloths too wet after completing it’s cycle.
It doesn’t seem to matter which cycle we wash on. It started as an occasional problem but now much more persistent.
There is no visible water in the tub when this happens. The cloths do get spun and no problem can be perceived as to noise while wash cycle is happening.
The cloths are simply too wet after cycle and sometimes dripping wet. I just completed a load of towels that were not dripping but will definitely need a longer time in the dryer.

I will call in a professional but if you can give me your best thoughts on a part that may be a solution i am inclined to try that first.
thank You.

  • Guest asked 6 years ago
  • last active 6 years ago
0 votes

My new speed queen TR3 washing machine does not have a spin only cycle. is there any way to trick it into just spinning?

0 votes

do you have any repair videos on this washer?

  • Guest asked 7 years ago
  • last active 7 years ago
1 vote

do you have a break down of this machine. makes a loud noise when it spins. at the bottom of the shaft their is a plastic piece which the spline of the shaft runs into the shaft seems to be slipping in the plastic. can you give me an idea what to do to repair this problem. thank you.

  • Guest asked 8 years ago
  • last active 8 years ago
0 votes
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