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    • Guest
    • 8 years ago
    I am looking for this part 6501EL2001A for my machine its called a sensor assembly its located on top of the blower housing unit it has 3 wires is there a way to bypass it because it is no longer available at Appliance parts pros sears parts direct or ebay
  • The service manual calls it the semi conductor. Page 16 of the service manual shows how to test it. I do not think it can be by passed. However, I do the believe that this part can not be the reason the unit is not heating. Page 29 of the service manual shows how to test the heat circuit to get to the faulty part. This part not listed on the flow chart as a part that could cause a no heat issue.
    • Guest
    • 8 years ago
    no power going to the gas valve but all sensors are checking good
  • Sounds like you must have a bad control board then.
    • Guest
    • 8 years ago
    I changed that to lol
  • Wow. That’s a strange one. I would go back through the service manual and see if there’s anything you’re missing and run through the no heat troubleshooting chart. Maybe you have a wiring issue somewhere losing voltage.
    • Guest
    • 8 years ago
    would a bad gas valve make it not glow?
    • Guest
    • 8 years ago
    the thermistor reads 13.2 that’s good
  • A bad gas valve would not cause the igniter to not come on since it is not an electrical component. The gas coils on the gas valve typically won’t cause this but it is possible they could. Some of these gas valves include the gas coils and you can not get the coils separate. I would check your flame sensor first. I believe you said you were not getting power down to the gas valve though, so the first thing you would need to do is find out where you’re losing power down to the gas valve assembly.