Aloha, I have the model above where the ice maker is overfilling and will not stop. I ordered a new water valve and installed it. No change the water still runs out and will not stop with the icemaker on. The ice maker does not have a test button nor does it have the to inlets to jump start it. The ice maker is also out of manufacturing. Do you think it is the ice maker or a control board issue? Thank you, Steve
Replaced the inlet valve.
- swoodard77 asked 4 months ago
The ice maker does have a test mode on page #35 in the service manual link below. You have to be logged in to see the service manual. I would run the ice maker through the test mode. If you replaced the water valve, there is a 90% chance the ice maker is causing your issue. There is a water level adjustment under the cover of the ice maker. See manual for information. Thanks
- AV Repair Help answered 3 months ago
Since the icemaker is not being manufactured anymore is there a UNIVERSAL ice maker that could be substituted. I have seen a supco that looks the same but does not come with a wire harness. Please advise. Thanks
To be honest it a 50/50 shot that it will function properly. We have not had good luck with the replacement ice makers from any of the universal company’s. I would check on the ice maker return policy if it does not work. Especially if you need to use the harness off your existing ice maker.
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