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  • Also, check your wash plate. I have seem the spines of the wash plate that engage the drive shaft get stipped or wear down. I have replaced this agitator for this reason before. The bolt that holds the wash plate in place can also come loose. p # 5845EA1003B
    • Guest
    • 7 years ago
    I have ran the diagnostics and it passes with no errors. When it gets to t4 I think the agitation check, the drum shutters instead of agitating. Then it barely does an agitation jiggle. When it’s supposed to agitate during a wash, I can hear the drum force the gears loose instead of jerking back and forth.
    • Guest
    • 7 years ago
    Is the wash plate supposed to spin separate of the drum? During diagnostics it spins pretty good. I checked the 38mm bolt under the wash plate cap and it was tight
  • The wash plate should spin separately in agitation mode but not in spin mode. If the wash plate moves separate from the basket when the unit is in spin position the wash plate May be stripped out.
    • Guest
    • 7 years ago
    The wash plate is good. I took the hosing out/gearbox. The 38mm nut and washer were on tight. I torqued down the nut under the magnet housing to 75lbs. My question now is in agitation what components are in play during the agitation cycle? Is it the stator moving opposite the magnet housing? Could the stator not be powering up enough to move back and forth, or is it the gearbox that controls the jerking motion?
  • I have seen these units jerk or jiggle the wash plate back and forth mainly as it’s filling. This is more of sensing the load and is normal on these units. However, it should start fully agitating once it is full of water and gets all the way into the wash cycle. It should have agitated normally in the diagnostic cycle as well. It’s a little tougher to diagnose without any error codes. Sounds like a bad gearbox or actuator. Are you getting any grinding noise when this happens?
    • Guest
    • 7 years ago
    Not grinding noise but I can hear a gear noise kind of like a noise a printer gear makes when it’s dispensing paper out. As the components are supposed to be moving back and forth I hear the stress if the gears. The only three components left are the gearbox, the direct motor drive, and the motor shifter. I am not sure which one to order.
  • I know the exact noise you’re talking about as the wash plate Jiggles back and forth. This noise is normal as it does that. I would let it run through a full cycle and see if it ever starts to agitate properly. If not hopefully it throws an error code. I would be leaning more towards the shifter but it’s hard to say at this point.