KitchenAid NMN Garbage Disposer Diagnostic – Hums but does not run –

Hums but does not run (most common), Not working, Hums then stops

This video will look at a NMN KitchenAid Garbage Disposals that has the following problems: Hums but does not run, Not working, Hums then stops, Not cooling

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1 Comment

  • pbaeder

    Lots of views, but no comments. The other ways to un-jam a disposer are to try turning it off and on several times if it is a reversing model. This may result in the starting action cutting through some items. The video did not cover how to remove the disposer from sink and disassemble the hopper from drain chamber to un-jam. This is of course the hardest way and may not be worth the labor costs depending on the model and age of unit. If you lost the tool a broom handle in from the top is an old remedy.