How to Avoid Buyer’s Remorse when Purchasing New Appliances
Appliance Video Blog | November 6, 2013Purchasing new appliances, such as a refrigerator, stove, washer and dryer for instance, is like any big purchase. It’s easy to get caught up in...
Simple Energy-Saving Tips You Can Do Today
Appliance Video Blog | November 5, 2013Unplug appliances you don’t use. Limit opening and closing your refrigerator. Allow your dishes to air-dry. Convert your appliances into solar-hybrids. Skip the dryer and put your clothes on...
Reduce Vegetable Leftovers Using Your Freezer
Appliance Video Blog | November 4, 2013Between making soups, casseroles and other deliciousness, you’re bound to have some leftover vegetables. Instead of tossing your carrots, potatoes, zucchini and other...
Turn Your Appliances into Solar Electric Hybrids
Appliance Video Blog | November 1, 2013Without spending a ton of money, you can turn your appliances into renewable energy hybrid machines thank to blogger Jason Poel Smith from DIY Hacks...
Microwave 2 Bowls at the Same Time with a Mug
Appliance Video Blog | October 31, 2013Who wants to wait to heat up two bowl’s worth of leftovers in the microwave for twice the amount of time? We didn’t think so...
This Holiday Season, Don’t Use Your Oven’s Self-Cleaning Feature
Appliance Video Blog | October 30, 2013With the winter holidays right around the corner, there is so much prep work, cleaning, and decorating to be done. Now, tis the season to...
Make an Easy Microwave Heating Pad
Appliance Video Blog | October 28, 2013If you have aches, pains, or headaches, a microwave heating pad may just do the trick to offer you soothing relief (or really awesome last...
5 Clothes Washer Tips to Save Energy
Appliance Video Blog | October 25, 2013We like saving energy and money—who doesn’t? We’ve put together 5 tips for your washer that are easy to follow…so easy, that you’re able to...
2 Ways to End Freezer Burnt Ice Cream
Appliance Video Blog | October 23, 2013Nothing is better than digging into an ice cream tub filled with ice crystals…Not. Ice cream definitely shouldn’t have the consistency of taffy. A frustrating...
Naturally Remove Mold from Your Refrigerator
Appliance Video Blog | October 22, 2013You may be wondering, how could a mold problem affect my refrigerator? Let’s take for instance, you go on a small family vacation or have...