  • How to Avoid Buyer’s Remorse when Purchasing New Appliances

    Purchasing new appliances, such as a refrigerator, stove, washer and dryer for instance, is like any big purchase. It’s easy to get caught up in...

  • Simple Energy-Saving Tips You Can Do Today

    Unplug appliances you don’t use. Limit opening and closing your refrigerator. Allow your dishes to air-dry. Convert your appliances into solar-hybrids. Skip the dryer and put your clothes on...

  • Reduce Vegetable Leftovers Using Your Freezer

    Between making soups, casseroles and other deliciousness, you’re bound to have some leftover vegetables. Instead of tossing your carrots, potatoes, zucchini and other...

  • Turn Your Appliances into Solar Electric Hybrids

    Without spending a ton of money, you can turn your appliances into renewable energy hybrid machines thank to blogger Jason Poel Smith from DIY Hacks...

  • Microwave 2 Bowls at the Same Time with a Mug

    Who wants to wait to heat up two bowl’s worth of leftovers in the microwave for twice the amount of time? We didn’t think so...

  • This Holiday Season, Don’t Use Your Oven’s Self-Cleaning Feature

    With the winter holidays right around the corner, there is so much prep work, cleaning, and decorating to be done. Now, tis the season to...

  • Make an Easy Microwave Heating Pad

    If you have aches, pains, or headaches, a microwave heating pad may just do the trick to offer you soothing relief (or really awesome last...

  • 5 Clothes Washer Tips to Save Energy

    We like saving energy and money—who doesn’t? We’ve put together 5 tips for your washer that are easy to follow…so easy, that you’re able to...

  • 2 Ways to End Freezer Burnt Ice Cream

    Nothing is better than digging into an ice cream tub filled with ice crystals…Not. Ice cream definitely shouldn’t have the consistency of taffy. A frustrating...

  • Naturally Remove Mold from Your Refrigerator

    You may be wondering, how could a mold problem affect my refrigerator? Let’s take for instance, you go on a small family vacation or have...