If you are an avid coffee drinker and have a garbage disposal, your fix of caffeine has been hiding a secret from you. It’s a key ingredient to cleaning up your smelly garbage disposal. So before you toss out those coffee grounds, it’s time to dry ‘em out and make yourself some garbage disposal cleaning discs. This creative DIY cleaning tip comes from Sarah Lipoff of popular lifestyle website, PopSugar (SavvySugar.com). The ingredients to make your disposal cleaning discs are simple, and are probably items you already have in the pantry. You will need dry, used coffee grounds, Epsom salt, baking soda, vinegar, vanilla extract, a small bowl, a measuring spoon, a baking sheet, and parchment paper. It’s as easy as mixing together the first three ingredients together. The grounds, baking soda, and salts make for a great abrasive cleaner to knock off any gunk build-up, along with giving your garbage disposal a coffee scent. Plus, coffee grounds are excellent at absorbing funky odors. According to Lipoff,
[…] the coffee grounds also sharpen garbage disposal blades. Baking soda naturally cleans the disposal, and Epsom salts break up hard water stains and buildup.
Add in the remaining ingredients of your vinegar and vanilla into the mixing bowl. The vanilla extract is optional, but who doesn’t love the smelly goodness of vanilla AND coffee? The vinegar is also an excellent deodorizer, and helps remove the disposal’s grit and grime. With your sand-like mixture, create small discs with your measuring spoon, and plop ‘em down on your baking sheet lined with the parchment paper. Allow your discs to dry over night, and you are ready to slam one down the disposal with some hot, running water the following day. With your remaining cleaning discs, go ahead and store them in an airtight container until you’re ready to use them again. These cleaning discs combine many different garbage disposal-cleaning techniques into one with the salt, vinegar, and coffee grounds. You could always add citrus zest from leftover lemon and orange peels into this concoction as well. Hit up the link below for the complete tutorial and measurements from PopSugar:
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