Dishwashers are a great invention, no doubt about it! Ask anyone how they feel about their dishwasher and try to count all the words of praise that come out. But did you know that you can turn this seemingly single-purpose appliance into much more?
Perhaps these things never crossed your mind before, but when you think about it, they make sense. If your dishwasher is good for cleaning the dishes, then why not other things, like vacuum hoses, baseball hats or fan grilles. Pretty much anything other than your shirts or jeans (these still require a more subtle treatment).
This may not turn your life around, but it can certainly make it simpler. Washing and cleaning take out so much time out of our everyday lives that being able to save some time here and there and watch your favorite TV show instead is something to be grateful for.
If you are really feeling adventurous, you can find even more applications for your dishwasher. Did you know you can actually use it to cook food? I didn't either, but it seems there are a lot of people out there who take special pride in their dishwasher cooking skills. The temperature that the appliance develops is high enough to cook potatoes, for example. You should probably stick to the food that usually requires lower temperature for preparation.
I am not sure how practical this piece of advice is, since we all do have an oven, but if you are looking for new challenges and something to break your daily routine, it is worth a try. Just imagine the faces of your guests when you tell them, halfway through the evening, that you actually cooked that delicious dinner in a dishwasher!