Ironing is a treacherous thing. And so are wrinkly clothes. That paired duo is one that is about to be broken up thanks to Clorox’s Twitter tip.
What’s the secret?
Pairing wrinkly clothes with a couple of ice cubes in your clothes dryer—and it really works. No ironing involved. Now, it goes without saying, this tip will work the best with a very small amount of dry, wrinkled clothing and only a few ice cubes. Don’t get too ice cube happy over there. The science behind it works similar to the steaming action a hot shower can do to help smooth out those wrinkles when hung up in the bathroom. With your clothes dryer set on the highest setting, those ice cubes will melt, creating steam to get out the wrinkles right out of your clothing. After a few minutes have passed by, grab out your wrinkle-free clothes and give ‘em a good shake or two. No one will even be able to tell the difference. That, my friend, is efficiency at its finest.
Read MorePhoto by: Clorox | Twitter