Restore Scratched Dishes with Bar Keepers Friend

After a while, it’s inevitable that your dishes, such as plates and bowls, will end up with unpleasant scratches. Instead of always replacing your dishes, why not restore them? It’s super easy and super quick to do. All you need is a can of Bar Keepers Friend that’ll run you about $4. Using Bar Keepers Friend will revitalize those scratches and polish your dinnerware, looking good as new. Simply sprinkle some of the powder onto your plate, add a little bit of water, and scrub away with a sponge. You don’t want to go too crazy with it, as the cleaner is a bit abrasive. shares Bar Keepers Friend can even be used to get out stains out of cookware. Since this is powerful stuff, here are a few words of caution to consider when you’re using Bar Keepers Friend to get out the scratches, “you’re [literally] eating away your dinnerware’s coating just a bit to make it look nicer.” It’s a good idea to test Bar Keepers Friend on the back of your dishes first, before proceeding. You definitely do not want to apply this method to your fine China. Just use it scarcely and your dinnerware should be just fine.

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Photo by: Lifehacker

Restore Scratched Dishes with Bar Keepers Friend