I never quite understood the fire dangers involved with electric coil stove tops. It’s staggering to know stove top cooking fires are “the number one cause of household fires in North America.” Some years ago, one of my friend’s electric stove top caught on fire right inside of their apartment. The fire did some extensive damage, and thankfully no one was hurt. Let’s just say, accidentally spilled cooking oil over a red-coil burner isn’t a good combo.
Pioneering Technology Corporation, a company specializing in engineering products and technology to help protect against cooking fires, has the perfect replacement for your electric coil burners: SmartBurners. Pioneering launched SmartBurners to the general public towards the end of 2014 in October.

According to Pioneering,
SmartBurner not only helps prevent cooking fires, but also helps reduce energy consumption, improves cooking performance and dramatically enhances the aesthetics of electric coil stoves.
In their video, Pioneering mentions how electric elements can reach to a staggering 1615°F! I am utterly shell-shocked.
That’s hot enough to melt the bottoms of aluminum pots. Yikes – this is just asking for a fire disaster. Keep welding in the garage, not your kitchen please. Build yourself a foundry if you're looking to get into metal work.

SmartBurners are made so they will not reach outrageous combustion temperatures for cooking oil, clothing, or you pots and pans. The plates are made out of cast iron, so you don’t have to worry about food falling into and underneath the coils. No more smelling last night’s smoking dinner crumbs, and cleaning just became oh so easy.
The burners are built-in with Temperature Limiting Control Technology. This means each SmartBurner regulates its own temperature so they don't heat up to thousands of degrees.

Since cast iron is known to retain and maintain heat, the three coils within the SmartBurners cycle on and off, essentially regulating the heat and saving you energy. Whatcha going to do with all that extra cash? The SmartBurners also have an increased surface area, allowing you to cook more evenly compared to standard coil elements.
It’s an easy and affordable way to upgrade your electric coil stove top into an electric range. The price for four SmartBurners is $189.99. You can choose two, six-inch burners and two, eight-inch burners, OR three, six-inch burners and one, eight-inch burner.
SmartBurners are simple to replace your old electric elements with and literally takes seconds to install on any coil stove top (take a look at our video below). Not a bad gig—especially if you’re living in an apartment. If you're on the move, you can take the burners with you wherever you go. Just keep in mind you’ll need an electric coil stove top to make this work.
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