Instead of laying the deodorant on thick, maybe your friend’s cheap vodka taking up room in your refrigerator can give you a hand. You can totally get away with refreshing smelly clothes with cheap vodka.
It’s a win-win situation here. No need for expensive fabric freshener.
Here’s the thing, you may not have time to do the laundry this week or perhaps your washer is broken. If you’re in dire need to wear nothing but this particular outfit that could use a wash or two, bust out the cheap vodka. No need to waste the good stuff when the cheap stuff works just the same.
You’re about to have a party…with your smelly clothes…yeah, on second thought, this does not give anyone bragging rights, but at least you wont smell.
Vodka has an extremely high alcohol content, so it’s perfect to deodorize and neutralize smelly clothes. All you have to do is fill up a spray bottle with vodka and nothing else…no need to dilute the already diluted. Then, lightly mist your clothing in the problem areas, or if it’s all over, we’re not judging anyone. Once the alcohol evaporates, so will the unpleasant odors. Needless to say, it’s best to do this whole entire process with your garments hung up so they can dry properly.
Besides using up leftover and cheap vodka, you really do extend your clothing’s wearable life. By washing less, you decrease your clothing’s wear and tear your washing machine and dryer wrecks havoc on.
Photo by: Petras Gagilas | Flickr