Just when you thought coffee couldn’t be made any better, there emerges a new device that makes you believe in the possibility of impossible feats. No longer do you have to drink the same looking coffee every day for with this coffee maker, you get to decide exactly what you want the foam on your coffee to resemble. But what exactly is this new technology and what does it do?
It is called the Ripple Maker, a small device that is a measly eight and a half by ten and a half inches and has the capability to connect to Wi-Fi signals. It takes advantage of 3D printing technology to make masterpieces off the foam on the top of a coffee mug. It utilizes the milk foam as a canvas and the coffee as the ink in an effort to produce works of art that will leave you staring at your cup till your coffee turns cold.
Yet this is all done seamlessly in nothing but a matter of seconds. Between ten and twenty to be precise. This means you don’t incur any additional time when waiting for that customized mug of coffee to help you carb your caffeine urges. It is designed to comfortably print images on coffee cups of up to seven inches’ height and four and a half inch diameter.
The only drawback is that the coffee maker was made mainly for commercial application and not domestic use. But with the world today where everybody is trying to punch in maximum hours at work, this isn’t that big a setback because all you need is to visit your favorite coffee shop and get to experience the marvel of this coffeemaker.
Coffee shop owners can get this marvelous wonder of art and science for only $999 or for a yearly service payment plan of $75.
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