It’s hot out there, and all you want is a gel pack to keep you cool that doesn’t take up a lot of space. And, to top it off, it must be DIY. I mean, why else would you be here? (All are welcome, by the way)!
Whatever your motives may be, Dawn original dish soap is here to the rescue. Since it doesn’t get rock hard like water does when frozen, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the frozen effects of dish soap. It has a gel-like consistency—perfect for the flexibility you need in your lunch box to contour around your cold apple juice bottle!
This is super easy to do. Simply fill up a plastic Ziploc bag with dish soap. Make sure to also remove air from the bag to the best of your ability. Pop it in the freezer, lay it flat, and allow it to chill for a few hours before use. If you have your doubts about potential leakage, go ahead and double bag your ice pack.
While this method does take up some soap, you’re not sacrificing clean dishes. When you’re finished with your freezer pack, why not reuse the thawed dish soap? Because you totally can, and this is beyond economical.
Remember, if you plan on using your pack for an injury, wrap your DIY remedy in a wash cloth before use.
Photo by: Pascal | Flickr