"Add more lime."
"Seal it."
"Stick an avocado pit in it."
You’ve probably have heard it all to keep your guac green. And, you know what? None of it works that well.
You don’t want to drench your guacamole with too much acid, and sealing the stuff doesn’t always keep oxidation from occurring. The surface still turns ugly brown that no one wants to dip the chips in. The problem is, you have entertaining to do the next day and you want to prep and get as much work out of the way as possible.
Thankfully, theKitchn shared a really awesome tip; the method sounds so crazy, it actually works. When you go to store your guacamole, pack it in a bowl or whatever container you have, add a 1/2-inch layer of water on top, and seal it up with plastic wrap. Then, toss the good stuff right in your refrigerator. Sounds insane, right? You have to trust this method though.
The guacamole is much more dense than the water, so it stays on the surface and won’t mess around with the texture or make your dip watery. The other thing to consider is, the water actually creates that barrier you need so no air is reaching your guacamole. When you’re ready to use your yumminess, grab it from the fridge, pour off the surface water in your kitchen sink and gently stir.
You are now ready to serve beautiful, green guacamole you just made yesterday. Let the chip dipping begin. Seriously though, your friends will be jealous of your mean green guac skills.
Read MorePhoto by: Meal Makeover Moms | Flickr