Very few household appliances are more annoying than a stuck dishwasher rack. No one wants to have to drag out a rack full of heavy dishes! Luckily, there's a fix for wheels that are stuck or even just squeaky.
First step: make sure you remove your dishes from your dishwasher rack. This makes the entire cleaning operation much smoother. Go ahead and stick the empty dishwasher rack in your bathtub and spray it with warm, soapy water. Scrub the rack and wheels with a toothbrush, removing as much gunk and build-up as possible. Then rinse off the wheels with water and dry the whole rack with paper towels or soft cloth.
Here comes the secret: spray the wheels with vegetable oil. Make sure you spin the wheels so that the inside parts are evenly coated and spin freely. If they keep squeaking or sticking, add more oil until they are silenced.