Out of all the places to clean, besides your kitchen, make sure you get to the toilet bowl. Don’t overlook the toilet bowl. If it’s stained from…okay, we’re not going there today…let’s try this again… if your toilet bowl is stained from hard water deposits, an unexpected beverage is here to the rescue. No, it’s not Coca-Cola this time, it’s Gatorade. Seriously. Pop open your refrigerator; things are about to get a little crazy tonight without those nasty, nose-hair burning chemicals.
Joey Green’s Cleaning Magic book shares an awesome way to get the dirty deed done. Grab up a bottle of Gatorade and pour in a couple cups right into the bowl. Let the Gatorade soak in the toilet for an hour or so. I’m thinking you should stick to lighter Gatorade flavors to play it on the safe side. Once your time is up, bust out your scrubby brush, and all of that ickiness will come off with total ease. Basically, it’s the citric acid magic that’s removing the stains from your toilet.
Give it a good ole flush, and now you have yourself a clean toilet bowl, stain-free and chemical-free. Yeah, you’re just that awesome.
Photo by: Mike Mozart | Flickr