Your bean machine is in bad shape and so are your taste buds. Stop drinking a mediocre-tasting cup of coffee; it’s time to clean your coffee maker. For the best brew in the house, running your small kitchen appliance once a month with water and vinegar will drastically improve the flavor of your cup. You see, after a while, hard-water deposits, minerals, impurities and residue from brews build up in your coffeemaker. Unfortunately for you, that cup of coffee won’t taste the greatest. Thankfully, vinegar’s acidic properties will break down and remove all that gunk inside. Dirty coffeemaker excuses are no more. Here’s what you do: Fill up your empty coffeemaker’s water reservoir with a solution of half water and white distilled vinegar. Run your kitchen appliance like usual, allowing it to go through its full cycle—do this several times with the half and half mixture. Afterwards, run your maker with clean water a few times until the vinegar is fully rinsed out and there are no more odors. When you’re finished, you can take this opportunity to wash and rinse your coffee carafe and filter basket with soapy water to remove the brown gunk (in your kitchen sink). It’s a simple process with results you can taste. Seriously though, go give it a try (your taste buds will thank you).
Photo by: chichacha