Connect Your Kitchen to Social Media with Whirlpool

Over at the 2015 international CES in Las Vegas, Nevada, Whirlpool sure does have it going on with their concept of the Interactive Kitchen of the Future 2.0.

With Whirlpool’s super hit of an interactive cooktop concept at last year’s CES, they decided to go one step further: create a suite of connected kitchen appliances that happens to be smart. The concept of the Interactive Kitchen of the Future 2.0 is a fully synced, social media hub that connects all kitchen appliances so there’s communication with everyone and everything.

This is Whirlpool’s vision of the future kitchen.

You can’t have an interactive cooktop without an interactive backsplash. Why not use the backsplash to look up specific recipes, visit your favorite website, connect to your favorite social network, or receive a reminder when the almond milk is going to expire in a few days? The interactive backsplash also allows video chats, for you know, when you need mom’s expertise to get that casserole just right.

With all of your kitchen appliances smartly integrated, Whirlpool envisions your appliances working together to adjust to curve balls and the such based on what you’re doing. Like what, you ask? Well, let’s say you have some last-minute guests arriving, tracked by GPS. Before, you’d be stressed out of your mind. Good thing your refrigerator can tell you what to whip up with your inventoried ingredients via the backsplash. Don’t forget the wine. Your interactive backsplash will tell you the perfect wine to go with that chocolaty dessert.

Don’t you wish you could sauté some onions on an interactive cooktop while talking to mom on the backsplash? Stop wishing my friend, Whirlpool thinks this is going to be reality soon enough – just check out the video below.

Photo by: YouTube Screenshot

Connect Your Kitchen to Social Media with Whirlpool