Whether you decide to purchase the 5s or 5c iPhone (or if you’re happy with the one you’ve got), we’ve found some awesome ways you can use your smartphone to bring a whole new edge when it comes to appliances. Plus with all of this iPhone news floating around, we absolutely couldn’t resist. Besides a Samsung Sodastream, what else could you really need? A smart home appliance of course. Manufacturers LG, Whirlpool, GE and Samsung have (for a while now) created appliances that are able to connect to your smartphone. Whoa there Android users, these apps are for iOS users only—though Samsung does show some love with their washers/dryers to iOS and Galaxy mobile devices only. Either or, you have a lot of thinking to do especially if you plan on updating your phone and appliance(s). Glad we don’t have that decision to make. Phew. If you need a new fridge, you may want to consider the
LG Smart ThinQ LFX31995ST refrigerator. Why? With a whopping 8-inch LCD screen with awesome wifi powers, you are able to connect with your fridge through the LG Smart ThinQ app. Do you know what this means? You are able to keep track of your refrigerator’s inventory, freezer & fridge temps, design recipes, update your inventory with shopping lists and more. Don’t need all the fancy stuff? (Even though it’s pretty awesome).
A Whirlpool WRL767SIAM Side-by-Side Refrigerator with 6th Sense Live may just suit your needs. While it doesn’t have an LCD screen, it will update you with what Whirlpool likes to call “Nudges and Alerts.” If, for instance, your fridge door is open or if there's a power outage, you will be notified through Whirpool’s free app. You can also take a look at your fridge’s energy use if you live in an area that has the smart grid. Not too shabby, Whirpool. That’s not it, there are a ton more appliances such as ovens, washing machines, dryers and dishwashers that come with awesome ‘smart’ capabilities that will blow your mind. Did you know you could turn your phone into a remote control for your oven? Or how about an electric dryer telling you when your clothes are done? Get the scoop on what your next upgrade could bring…
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