Your microwave is an amazing appliance of delicious nuking abilities—from cinnamon rolls, brownies, and chips just to name a few—though, do not get too carried away there. From grape plasma balls, sparks, sauce explosions and the ability to leach Styrofoam toxins into your food, your microwave has great powers that shouldn’t be underestimated. Thankfully, your microwave isn’t out to get you, you just have to play it smart and not nuke these top 13 items outlined from BuzzFeed in the video below.
What I love about this video is, not only do they tell you what not to microwave, you get to see most of the horrors of such results (see? No need to experiment this stuff for yourself—just, please don’t). I found it surprising that you shouldn’t microwave hot peppers, not that I’ve ever tried. Peppers can literally catch on fire when you nuke ‘em. I suppose one of the worst parts of microwaving peppers is when you pop open the door; the chemicals released will burn your throat and eyes. It’s pretty much the equivalent of dousing yourself in pepper spray. Uh, no thanks. I’ll stick to the dehydrator. Other than the obvious of not nuking anything with metal (including metallic plates), raisins, grapes, brown paper bags, plastics, and the works, you have a good basis of the 13 things of what should be avoided in the microwave in the first place.
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