Pan lids are impossible to manage and store, especially if you lack vital cabinet space. We found a really awesome alternative to keep your lids organized without using up more storage than necessary. Instructables user, Jayefuu reveals and walks you through this “too good to be true” (but this time, there isn’t a catch) alternative storage solution. Use adhesive hooks. Yes, you read that correctly…adhesive hooks! For the most part, you can find these cheaply at your local home department store.For a few bucks, you get your pot covers off of your countertops, and remove the clutter by hanging your lids on the inside of your cabinet doors. Now, there is just a teensy weensy bit of planning here; you will want to make sure to place the hooks accordingly to your lid size so they won’t fall off. Not only is this perfect for homeowners with little space, this method is perfect for apartment dwellers since you can easily remove the hooks when your lease is up. While you can make a kitchen pegboard to hang up your pans, using adhesive hooks hides those once cluttered lids and is a fantastic way to effortlessly create more space. Easiest Cupboard Pan Lid Organiser | Instructables