Every bit of savings helps especially when it comes to laundry. Right off the bat you can make your own DIY laundry detergent and save by only using 1-2 tbsp. of detergent per load; you can also make your own DIY dryer balls that will shorten the drying time -- but you're probably interested in some other conventional ways you can save on your utility bills. Ann Carrns from The New York Times found a nifty interactive calculator from Movoto (below) that allows you to enter in your monthly rent and generates how much money you could save by living at home. There is even an advanced options button that allows you to break down your expenses even more so your results can be more customized. You are able to see how much savings you would or could save depending on your living situation, including laundry and the utility bills. Carrns writes, “Sally Olsson, the blog’s spokeswoman [Movoto], confirmed that the calculator assumes that your mother is doing the laundry — and a lot more. In effect, the savings shown by the calculator come from completely freeloading.”
Live With Your Parents, Buy A House By Movoto Let’s admit, living with the parents isn’t always an option for everyone—let alone trying to convince mom to still do your laundry (lucky you if you can)! There are other options to save on laundry costs. Melanie Pinola from LifeHacker brought up an interesting topic via Daily Finance— you’re using way too much laundry detergent. The fill-line inside of your detergent cap is 50% more than your washing machine requires. You should be filling your detergent only half way from the suggested line. By using less detergent, you are able to make it last longer as well as save money and cut back.
Photo by: 401(K) 2012 | Flickr