Remove Crusty Oatmeal from Your Bowl with Dish Soap & a Microwave

Residual oatmeal and other sticky foods feel impossible to clean without the use of your dishwasher. If you don’t have an opportune time to allow your dishes a good soak in the sink and are in a pinch to use your one and only bowl at the office (for instance), using some dish soap along with the microwave may just suit your needs. Reddit user Vince55 had a problem of hardened, leftover oatmeal in his bowl only after 30 minutes of it sitting. Wanting an easy and practical solution at the office, he placed some water and dish soap in a microwave-safe bowl and nuked it in the microwave for a minute or two. You’d only probably have to use a drop or two of soap to do the trick. This quick cleaning tip loosens up the impossibly hard-to-remove hardened food bits that oatmeal (especially) is known for. Plus, it’s a quick way to get the job done especially at work when you’re on a time crunch. Go ahead and grab up a scrubby brush afterwards and the residual crustiness will come clean easily. Cleaning that once delicious go-to meal isn’t as much as a pain to clean anymore—we can settle with that.

Remove Crusty Oatmeal from Your Bowl with Dish Soap & a Microwave