We’ve discussed making a DIY brick oven for some delicious pizza, but if you’re looking to turn your grille into a wood-fired pizza oven, look no further. LifeHacker found a really awesome video on turning your grille into a Kettle Pizza—a concoction that makes your grille into an oven for pizza. How awesome is that? If you’re not looking to drop $150 on a Kettle Pizza, you can make your very own for as little as $20 bucks. In the video below, YouTuber madbare, rigs up a Kettle Pizza clone for his grille with
“… a roll of steel flashing, 8"x25', four 6" lag or carriage bolts, and two 3" hex bolts. Scrap wood for handles and a tin snips or plasma cutter.”
It’s super important to use steel flashing, not aluminum flashing, as the aluminum has a higher risk of melting. Keep metal in music, not your pizza. All of these materials can be easily found at your local hardware store and such. It’s a direct and forthright process even though madebare doesn’t show the transformation step-by-step in his video.
The YouTube user makes mention of popping in a pizza stone in his makeshift Kettle Pizza clone, in addition to following up with another video -- I didn't happen to see the second video uploaded on his channel, but that's quite okay. Madbare did discuss on how well the Kettle Pizza clone worked in YouTube's comment section:
“Finally got to fire it up last night. Flashing held up just fine. I thought maybe I would see some warping but nothing. Worked great and saw temps at the stone of 600F and in in the dome close to 900F. All in all I say it worked great. I did end up adding a couple more bolts to hold the stone in place and added a few 1/8 sheet metal screws around the top.”
Summer can’t get any better than firing up a pizza stone outdoors on the grille.
Photo by: Screenshot | YouTube