You can steam veggies in one, cook up some fluffy rice and quinoa in it too, but pancakes in a rice cooker? Sounds crazy, but apparently you can, and epic pancake feasts will never be the same. No need for puny little pancake triangles, you’re slicing wedges out of this beast. The rice cooker pumps out one thick, round pancake shaped from the deep bowl it's cooked in. Best part? No more worrying about messing around with a ketchup bottle pouring out pancake after pancake, watching bubbles slowly form for the perfect flip, nope, you get to skip all of that nonsense. Tips and tricks weblog Lifehacker found this crazily astonishing method from RocketNews24, a Japanese and Asian news site: cooking a pancake into a massive breakfast of champions in the rice cooker. This is one of the coolest things I have ever seen to come through the realms of food and kitchen hacks.
It’s as simple as mixing up your raw pancake ingredients as you normally would, plus anything else (more chocolate chips please!) right into the rice cooker’s removable bowl. Turn on the cooker and let that baby brew for a good 45 minutes. It’s that simple. You’re pretty much hands free with no mess. Afterwards, the puffy pancake should pop out easily, or if needed you can help loosen it using a silicone spatula. You can always grease the sides of the bowl, granted it is not really necessary since it’s a nonstick surface. Plus, as RocketNews24 points out, if your rice cooker has timer settings, you can whip up your batter the night before and be good to go when the morning comes. It also should be noted, you don’t want to fill up your rice cooker too high with batter or else uneven cooking will occur, including a potential mess from the rising. Go ahead and slice up bananas, toss ‘em on a skillet with some coconut oil, and brown ‘em to sugary perfection for an out-of-this-world pancake topper. If there’s one thing for sure, this one monster of a pancake will soak up maple syrup like no tomorrow. Breakfast has just become the new dinner.
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