Now You Can Eat Pizza Cooked from a Disco Ball Oven

Yes, you read the title correctly—though you may need to kick out your frequent-flier miles for this one. Located in Vienna, Austria, a pizzeria called “Disco Volante” (aka “Flying Disc") has a humongous disco ball oven they use to cook pizza in. How awesome is that?


Architect Lukas Galehr who is a part of Madame Mohr, designed the disco ball inferno. Attached to a central chimney, the sparkling ball even spins while it cooks, too (1 revolution per minute). This heat-resistant oven has a concrete shell made from CNC-milling technology. With around 7,500-mirrored pieces, the turning mechanism is located underneath the baking shell, protecting it from the heat.


At night, the lights are dimmed and different colored lights are shined onto the revolving disco ball for a reflective experience like no other.

You can count us in. When’s the next flight?

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Photo by: Lukas Schaller

Now You Can Eat Pizza Cooked from a Disco Ball Oven