pans-baking.jpgThis DIY trick is perfect if you’re lacking kitchen space in your home or apartment: floating magnetic bakeware on your kitchen walls (or wherever you have space for that matter). Plus, it’s cheap and a fun small project that won’t take but 20 minutes of your time. Instructables user TheProcrastibaker, came up with an awesome solution. She had a ton of extra wall space in her kitchen and realized that a good majority of her baking sheets and pans are magnetic—so why not take advantage of that? Psst. Test if your pans are magnet-friendly by popping them next to your fridge. If you don’t have magnetic bakeware, a quick trip to the dollar store should solve the problem. It’s a matter of grabbing up some adhesive magnetic strips and foam-mounting tape incase the strips don’t stick well. From there, secure your magnetic strips on a bare wall or on the side of your cabinets, and pop your cookie sheet on. Though, you may need to adjust the amount of strips needed depending on the size and weight of your bakeware. Also, if you don’t want to freak out the dog in the middle of night, make sure to ‘float’ your bakeware on the wall for an ample amount of time to see if any additional reinforcement is needed. Hit the link below for the full guide to this awesome space-saving solution:

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Conserve Space & Float Bakeware on Your Kitchen Walls