3 Easy Life Hacks to Help You Clean Your Dishwasher

While dishwashers are meant to clean and usually do their job pretty well, sometimes they can get dirty too. Here are three nifty life hacks for cleaning your dishwasher.

  1. You can actually clean your dishwasher by putting a cup of vinegar on the washer's top shelf and running it through a cycle. As the machine circulates, the vinegar will mix with the water and help deep clean your washer. The temperature of the cycle can be based on your personal preference and what works best for your appliance.
  2. Similar to the vinegar cleaning method, you can also use baking soda to clean a dishwasher. Sprinkle some baking soda at the bottom of your machine and run it through a cycle on its hottest setting. The baking soda will take care of stains, along with making your washer smell fresh and clean.
  3. If the vinegar and baking soda methods do not clean deep enough, you can use a piece of wire and tooth brush to clean the hard to reach places in your appliance. Use the wire to clean the small holes in the washer's spray arms, and the brush to de-gunk its filter. These two unlikely yet nifty tools can really help you get your dishwasher back into immaculate condition.

Hopefully with these simple and easy life hacks, cleaning your dishwasher will be easier than ever before.

3 Easy Life Hacks to Help You Clean Your Dishwasher