If your refrigerator door has hardly anything but a ketchup bottle, soy sauce, and a mustard bottle in stock, then you know the challenges that face you when you open the door wide open…everything slips, slides, topples over, and it’s just plain annoying. The answer isn’t to fill up your fridge doors with cluttered nonsense (though, this may be a sign it's time to grocery shop). There's a much simpler solution.
Lifehacker found a helpful YouTube video from user, Hack It. All you have to do is go to your local store and purchase some cheap, non-slip material; it’s the same stuff you use to line kitchen cabinets with. Cut the non-slip material to size, and line it in your refrigerator doors. You’re creating traction, especially when you don’t have a jammed packed fridge door. So the next time you go to open your ice box, you won’t have to worry about the tipping overs, falling against one anothers, condiment dysfunction. Nope, you’re on a mission and you have leftovers to warm up. See? Life’s simple.
Featured Image: Kelly Taylor | Flickr